Daddy Issues (Reason #6)

Daddy Issues (Reason #6)

Intro music “These final words” by Fractured Light Music

Bible references
Revelation 2:17 A New Name
Jeremiah 29:11-13 Plans to Prosper
Luke 12:6-7 Every Hair Counted
John 13:33 My Children…

Closing music “My Immortal” by Evanescence

Your Business May Fail Without Website Monitoring Service

According to Inc. Magazine, accessibility is the most critical measure of your site’s performance. After all, if a customer is unable to access your site then they most certainly can’t do business with you.

What Is Server Monitoring and How Can It Save Your Online Business?

Many online businesses understand what website monitoring is and realize that sometimes it is the one thing that can help make or break their online business. Server monitoring, on the other hand, is still often misunderstood.

4 Reasons Website Monitoring Service Is Mandatory for Online Success

You may have the best website in the world. Perhaps you have invested thousands into SEO services and have amazing content and a layout that makes your competition drool. You may be surprised to discover that if you do not have website monitoring services in place, your business may be going nowhere fast.

Know More About Digital Marketing

The internet and the World Wide Web have taken the whole advertising world by storm. The online medium has been now extensively used to market products; promote brands and whatnot, very easily and decisively. That is what digital marketing is all about – promoting your brand through online medium, to acquire enormous customer base and never before profits.

The Popular PHP

PHP is a very popular programming language for developers looking to create dynamic websites although PHP can be used to build both dynamic and static websites. PHP is a server-side scripting language that was created in 1995 and since its inception, it has come a long way and is now once of the most common language. One reason PHP is widely used is it can be embedded directly into the HTML code and be interpreted through a PHP processor module.

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