The Spirit Award (Reason #10)

Intro music “These final words” by Fractured Light Music

Bible references
2 Corinthians 1:21-22 & 2 Corinthians 5:5 The Spirit seals the Deal
Matthew 25:41 Hell was never created for man
Matthew 24:40-41 Some taken, some left

Closing music “Halo” by Beyonce

Trends That a Web Development Company Should Be Looking For!

Web development today is highly evolved and many developers who do not keep up to date knowledge of the recent trends, find themselves lost at some point. Well, here are the most recent trends that web development companies should be looking for.

Why Build A Mobile App With A Template?

Mobile app templates are becoming very popular these days. This is mainly because they are so much more convenient for a developer and so much more cost effective. Here’s why you should be building a mobile app with a template rather than a custom design.

How to Use Website Monitoring Services to Increase Your Online Profits

It has become evident that poor website performance can be just as damaging to your company’s bottom line as a complete outage of your website. In fact, poor performance may be even more damaging than website downtime in the long run. Fortunately, with quality website monitoring service in place, you can keep an eye on the performance of your site and if your site begins to perform poorly, you can take measures to improve your site’s performance and, therefore, protect or even increase your online profits.

Mobile App Template Design Guidelines

Mobile app templates provide developers with a quick and easy way to begin developing an app. Buying app templates are easy, but make sure you select the right one that suits your business. Here we discuss a few tips for selecting the right mobile template for your app.

Hold Your Web Host Accountable With Website Monitoring Services

If you’ve ever shopped for or purchased website hosting services, chances are that you’ve seen a number of hosts, including the one you pay each month or year, claiming an uptime rate of 99.9 percent. The question is, are they really delivering on that promise? When it comes to something as serious as the hosting of your website, you need to be in a position to hold your hosting company accountable. The only effective way to do that is with a quality website monitoring service.

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