On my Mind (Reason #12)

Intro music “These final words” by Fractured Light Music

Bible reference
John 14:12 Legacy

Closing music “Heal the World” by Michael Jackson

10 Important Questions To Ask Your VA Before They Develop Your Website

Lately I am hearing more and more about business owners having their VA (or business manager or even doing it themselves for that matter) put up their website for them. I’m going to assume it’s either because of the convenience of having someone on your team do it or because it’s more cost effective than hiring a website developer.

4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Run a Website Without a Website Monitoring Service in Place

If you are like most online businesses, you have put a lot of money and effort into making sure your site looks great, is hosted with a reliable hosting provider, is optimized for the search engines, and is secure from malicious hackers and attacks. You may even be paying for the outsourcing of IT management and maintenance. Unfortunately, if you think this is enough, you are sorely mistaken. If you really want to be able to see your site the way customers do, you can’t do it from inside your network. You need a third-party website monitoring service put into place to do the work for you. Here are the top four reasons why website monitoring services are crucial in today’s Internet age.

4 Ways to Reduce the Downtime of WordPress Websites

When you are the owner of a website, no matter what type of site it may be, it is crucial that your site is always live and available for your customers when they need it, regardless of what time of day it may be. If a potential customer tries to go to your site, only to find that it isn’t available, it creates a serious problem. Whether website downtime occurs due to software errors, glitches, malicious attacks, or hardware failures, you need to make sure that you know about the website downtime the moment it happens. WordPress is becoming an increasing favorite among the different website platforms. Here are four ways to reduce website downtime for WordPress websites.

How a Website Monitoring Service Can Prevent Your Online Business’s Downfall

It goes without saying that your website’s uptime has a direct impact on the success of your online endeavors. If your website experiences more than its fair share of website downtime, your website visitors and customers are going to notice. If it continues to happen they will likely take their business elsewhere. When it comes to website downtime, you need to do everything in your power to ensure your site’s success. That means implementing a quality website monitoring service to watch your site like a hawk, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Here are a few ways in which a quality website monitoring service can prevent the downfall of your online business.

Skills to Look Out For in an iPhone Developer

As the world has gone mobile, the number of users using the iPhone has also grown drastically. Now with the latest models in the market, the penetration of iPhones is bound to increase.

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