Parables of Jesus

Parables of Jesus

Jesus of Nazareth was a master storyteller, and many of his most well-known teachings were told as parables. But these stories were designed to do much more than simply “teach.” Jesus said the parables were designed to both reveal and conceal his message about the arrival of God’s Kingdom. In this video, we explore the main themes in Jesus’ parables and ask why he used them as the primary vehicle for his message.

#BibleProject #Parables #Jesus

Online Creation – Know More About It

The task can never be a piece of cake but there are a lot of resources online to help one create websites. Listed below are the do’s and don’ts, plus and minuses and step-by-step guide for both beginners and technically adept individuals who want to have their own websites published.

How to Build a Website – Know More About It

With the people becoming more dependent on the internet, a website can be a valuable tool to get your point across. Want to build a website? Read on.

DIY Sitebuilder – No Programming Or Coding Knowledge Required

When you’re considering building a web site but do not have a big budget then a great option is to use a DIY site builder. You would be surprised to know that many big online businesses started off by working on their website like this. The main reason for this is that a startup online business cannot really afford to invest too much money on the construction of a snazzy website.

Building a Website is Fantastically Easy

Real and common challenges realizing a Business Website: Some people think that building an effective business website that converts prospects to customers is easy; well if you are technically competent and have a strong marketing acumen and have much time on your hands then it is. Here I briefly list the technical know-how one needs to start building and the marketing that goes into creating a successful business presence on the Internet.

Do You Want to Build Your Own Website?

For a busy entrepreneur, it would not likely happen, especially for the ones that are not inclined with IT. But one thing is for sure; they are always inclined to profitability. So, why would they spend several study hours if they can pay someone to do it, and earn in a fastest way. It sounds practical right?

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