

On page one of the Bible, God orders a beautiful world out of chaotic darkness within a sequence of six days. And on the seventh day, God rests. This introduces the major biblical theme of patterns of seven that conclude with God and humans resting together as partners. In this video, we explore the theme of seventh day rest and the biblical concept of Sabbath. We also look at why Jesus adopted this idea as a major part of his own mission to bring God’s Kingdom to earth.

Explore Sabbath page here:
Sabbath podcast series here:

#BibleProject #Sabbath #7thDayRest

Free Website Repair

Perhaps you have looked at your own web site recently and thought that it is in need of some updating. After all, many websites have been built in the 90’s and never have been updated. Maybe you are in the market for some free website repair!

Website Translation to Expand Your Business Worldwide

An article that discusses the reasons why you should provide a translation of your website. The article covers customer statistics, cost savings to be obtained by providing a translation of your manuals and FAQ on your website, reduction of client confusion created through the language barrier. The main objective of the article is to explain how a website translation can help a business expand internationally.

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