Preparing my System and Myself for Nucamp Bootcamp.



Hello I am Charles Shepherd,

I spent today setting up my my computer with the following for learning Javascript:

1.) Visual Studio Code (editor)

Within Visual Studio Code installed Live Server extension.

2.) Node.JS  (Node is a runtime environment for executing Javascript code)

3.) Google Chrome

I will be doing two boot camps with Nucamp, starting Dec 14 and ending on June 1. Before the class starts I am preparing myself by getting a head start on Javascript by learning from CodewithMosh.

The Nucamp classes are:

  • Web Development Fundamentals – Bootcamp (4 weeks)
  • Full Stack Web + Mobile Development (22 weeks)
I am not very good with Math, more of a creative guy, so this learning experience will be very interesting. I plan at minimum to work 6 hours a day or more hours on learning coding with Sunday’s being my off day. With Covid-19 going on, this seemed like a good time to devote 6 months to learning coding and web development. I can also keep my eye on my son while he is home doing school.
I will be using this blog to log my experience and what I am learning to help myself, inform my mentor, and help my classmates out too. You can learn about my here at my site!
Useful sites for Javascript: 


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