Bootcamp Notes – Day 11 (Fri) – Review NuCamp notes and work on Profile Page



Merry Christmas! Today was review and doing a few code challenges. Also took the quiz for the week. Quizzes for NuCamp are 10 multiple choice questions that can be taken over and over until you pass. I passed week 1 and week 2 quiz with 90%. Working on updating my profile page to turn in at the end of the four weeks to show off what we learned. I think so far this Bootcamp would be really hard for someone working full-time and doing this class. More like work part-time and do the Bootcamp. You learn the basics but have to learn a lot on your own using For the price you are paying it is a pretty good deal I think so far! You really need to put in 4 or more hours a day in with having Sundays off. If you do that, you should pass the class and learn something.

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