Bootcamp Notes – Day 7 (Tues) – Bootstrap: Week 3 Glossary
Week 3 Glossary
A |
AccordionAn Accordion is a particular implementation of the Collapse component built with Cards to create accordion-like pleated hide and reveal behavior for Cards of content.
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BootstrapBootstrap is a framework to help you design websites faster and easier. It includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels, etc. It also gives you support for JavaScript plugins |
C |
CarouselThe Carousel component is a slideshow, typically of images and/or text, that’s used to cycle through content. Bootstrap provides classes to create a basic carousel, and also to add controls, indicators, and captions to it.
CollapseThe Collapse component is used to toggle the visibility of content in your Bootstrap project, such as with an Accordion. It’s also used with the Navbar component.
D |
Disabled StateWhen a button on a website is made to look inacitve, meaning, you cannot interact with it. This can be achieved with the disabled boolean attribute when added to any <button> NOTE: The aria-disabled=”true” attribute should be added to indicate to assistive technologies that the button element is disabled. |
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flex columnto stack links on example,small viewports |
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ModalA Modal is a highly customizable dialog that pops up over a page’s content. It’s similar to the concept of a JavaScript alert() method, but much more customizable. There is no HTML <modal> element – Bootstrap provides you with Modal component classes that can be used on appropriate HTML elements such as <div>s. Typically, you would also use a button of some type to cause a Modal to display itself.
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PillsPills are a type of panel-based navigation interface built with the Nav component. They are very much like Tabs, but the navigation has the appearance of a pill capsule (rectangular buttons with rounded corners) instead of tabs.
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TabsBootstrap’s Nav component offers a way to create a tabbed interface on a webpage. |