Create a Website With Video Background | HTML & CSS

Create a beautiful, custom landing page for a Travel website using HTML, CSS and a little JavaScript


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Development Of An Ecommerce Website

ECommerce or electronic commerce is the trading in products or services using computer networks. B2C and B2B are common notations for business to consumers and business to business eCommerce and makes use of technologies like mobile commerce, internet marketing, online transaction processing and a few others.

Drive the Online Performance of Your Business With Offshore Development

Websites play a major role in driving the online performance of businesses across industry verticals. That’s why, it makes sense to trust only a right platform to get the website developed and boost the performance of the business over the internet.

eCommerce Development and Business Dynamics

The number of Internet users are burgeoning rapidly throughout the globe. While in the developed nations, it has already reach a saturation level, in growing economies like India, internet penetration is becoming stronger. Internet grew as an empowerment for common people and a massive business platform for enterprises. Among numerous trends that internet brought among people, eCommerce emerged as a massive disruption in business dynamics and in lifestyle of commoners. It brought the lavishness of shopping right at the clicks on the computer or taps on mobile devices, while, products as well as services reach the doorsteps.

What Makes Custom Web Development Better Than the Ready-Mades Platforms

The word “Custom” makes up the overall difference that can put any perspective business owner in dilemma while going for web applications. When there is choice, there is always a possibility of mistakes and it is this possibility that makes reasonable analysis very critical before we make a choice. Especially, in business that involves hefty money, such choices should be made after solid research and well informed retrospection on cost as well as Return on Investment.

Trust Joomla CMS and Power Your Business’ Presence Over The Internet

It’s important to trust a reliable and popular platform to publish, manage and organize content for your website and boost its online presence. Whether you plan to run a website, blog or mobile application or intranet, the platform should have a scalable MVC architecture so that web presence of your business remains of the desired variety.

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