DFW Church Virtual Service: 1/17/21

Welcome to the DFW Church Virtual Service. This week’s sermon is entitled, “Ephesians: What It Means to Be Christian,” preached by the evangelist of the Northeast Worship Center, Derik Vett.

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Most Usual Mistakes That PHP Developers Make

As most of the websites, today are being created using PHP, this language as becoming popular in no time! If you talk about the best things, one of them is that it is an amazingly simple code which makes this language to just ‘dive into’.

Scope of Web Development Services in Your Business

Developing a website for any firm became essential to exhibit oneself, the products, and business nature to the world. The websites are windows to the internet world. The presence of a website and its establishment raises the strength of the site and makes visitors to see the products and the services which are a prosperous platform to generate leads.

The Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Web Development Explored

The Artificial Intelligence market will expectedly be worth $153 billion in the near future. We are talking about digital revolution here. We are talking about path breaking technological ideas and implementation here. Artificial Intelligence is going to redefine the way in which humans are going to interact with machines.

Adoption Of LAMP Stack For Your Business And Its Advantages

If you are aware of open source programing, then chances are high that you have heard of LAMP technology or LAMP stack. You may even know that LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, My SQL, and PHP and it is an open source development platform.

What Is Website Development?

Website development is a relatively broad term that many of us use without fully understanding what it means. Since the birth of social media and the growth of online marketing, there are many companies around the globe claiming to specialise in this area.

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