React JS Crash Course 2021

Get started with React in this crash course. We will be building a task tracker app and look at components, props, state, hooks, working with an API and more.


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0:00 – Intro & Slides
12:37 – Create a React app
14:52 – Files & folders
18:54 – App component & JSX
22:39 – Expressions in JSX
23:49 – Creating a component
27:18 – Component Props
28:50 – PropTypes
30:42 – Styling
34:17 – Button Component
37:46 – Events
40:18 – Tasks Component
41:03 – Create a list with .map()
43:07 – State & useState Hook
44:55 – Global state
46:52 – Task Component
49:30 – Icons with react-icons
51:41 – Delete task & prop drilling
55:50 – Optional message if no tasks
56:58 – Toggle reminder & conditional styling
1:03:13 – Add Task Form
1:06:16 – Form input state (controlled components)
1:09:18 – Add task submit
1:14:36 – showAddTask state
1:15:58 – Button toggle
1:19:33 – Build for production
1:21:51 – JSON Server
1:25:53 – useEffect Hook & Fetch tasks from server
1:30:13 – Delete task from server
1:31:51 – Add task to server
1:35:15 – Toggle reminder on server
1:39:15 – Routing, footer & about

Top 4 Benefits Of Hiring An Experienced Laravel Website Developer

If you want to create a website or web application that generates a lot of traffic and revenue, hiring an experienced Laravel developer is the best idea. This post will cover 4 major benefits of hiring a dedicated Laravel developer rather than working on your own.

7 Reasons to Use WordPress

WordPress is widely used by bloggers these days because it is super easy to use and it is free. Many of the small businesses these days use WordPress too for reaching out to a larger group of people. It is beneficial for the people who just don’t have enough time or money to own a website.

Boost the Productivity of Your Website With WordPress Plugins

So, you’ve built an extraordinarily appealing website for your new start-up to mark your online presence. But is your website productive enough to sustain the cutting edge competitive market? Well, WordPress plugins can help you achieve the same.

Reasons Why PHP Is Being Used in Web Development

The Internet is the largest connecting network through which the whole world is connected. It is being used for every objective nowadays; from sports to business to leisure and with that a large number of websites are being developed day-by-day.

The iOS/Phone App Development Process

Presently, the number of mobile users has increased unlike before. It’s because of the growing technology and the lack of time tech-savvies are more into checking the apps on their smartphones more than the desktop websites on their PCs or laptops. Besides Android, Windows, BB etc, iOS has also made a cult of its own. The Apple product users have to depend on the iPhone apps that are built for the iOS exclusively.

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