Build a Touch Slider with HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Build a full screen touch slider with HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Full Screen Touch Slider Repo:

React Component Repo:

YouTube Video Codepen:

Handmade Knives By Will Adams:

0:00 – Intro
1:49 – The HTML
3:32 – The CSS
10:57 – The JavaScript

Choosing The Right Website Design And Development Company

After you have decided to get a website developed for your business, you might be wondering about how to choose the right website design and development company for getting the work done. So, here is what makes a company the right match for developing your business website.

Make Your Website Feature-Rich And User-Friendly And Boost Its Prospects

Every business has a website, and if not, it should then get one immediately. After all, without having a website, how can a business get access to an ever-growing marketplace on the internet? As a result, it’s important to have a feature-rich website and realize the true potential of the business and fulfil its objective.

Understanding the Crucial Aspects of Web Development

High quality web development services are necessary for any company to have a business site that offers the best browsing experience for their users. The leading professional web developers implement a number of innovative techniques to come up with sites that are convenient and easy to work with.

5 Ways Volusion Website Developers Can Improve Your Online Business

Today, businesses have a variety of e-commerce platforms to choose from to help make their online store an instant success. Luckily, Volusion is there to help you out whether you’re setting up your online business for the first time or you are migrating from a different e-commerce platform.

5 Reasons to Hire a SharePoint Developer

SharePoint may still be an evolving an imperfect solution, but the statistics show that it is here to stay considering a very large percentage of the larger corporations favoring the use of the platform. As the adoption of SharePoint continues to increase in the market, highly skilled developers in the field have also become a valuable commodity.

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