DFW Church Virtual Service: 2/28/21

Welcome to the DFW Church Virtual Service. We conclude our celebration of Black History Month as announced last week.

Pierre Saget, evangelist of the South Worship Center, will be delivering a message entitled “Lessons of Freedom.”

We are happy to have you back and if this is your first time joining us, Like and Subscribe to our channel.

To get connected:
🔗 https://www.dfwchurch.org/​
Facebook: https://bit.ly/2GWVSQD​
Email: info@dfwchurch.net

To help support the DFW Church, click here: https://bit.ly/2GWVSQD​

#DFWChurch​ #VirtualService​ #VirtualChurch​ #Worship​

Make Well Informed Business Decisions With SharePoint Development

Online business is booming on the World Wide Web and with different technologies coming up into the business environment, maintaining data, records and information is becoming difficult and tedious. Enterprises are looking for applications that can be easily used to manage the documents and files and retrieve information easily for critical decision making processes.

What Website Monitoring Has to Do With Your Search Engine Rankings

Most of today’s savvy online entrepreneurs know that a website monitoring service is crucial to the up-time success of a website. After all, every single second of downtime in the e-commerce world equates to profits lost. How much money you lose per minute depends on the volume of sales your online business makes, but any lost profit is too much when it comes to profit loss that could have been avoided in the first place.

How Web Server Monitoring Can Protect From Server Downtime

In the world of online business, server downtime is an unavoidable evil. Such downtime can wreak havoc on your online business, creating untold amounts of stress as you and your team scramble to do what you can to get the server back up and running as quickly as possible or, if you have no control over the downtime, you jump through hoops of fire to do what you can to mitigate the damage that the downtime is causing. If you think server downtime can be avoided, there are some things you need to take into consideration.

Web Development – Myths About Programming

Web development has been around for so long now that it’s quite easy to develop some myths. Here are the most common myths about programming.

Knowing About Free Website Monitoring Services

You know that the up-time of your website is vital. You have even come to the conclusion that a website monitoring service is a must if you wish to minimize the downtime that your website experiences. What you don’t know is why you should pay for such a service when there are so many companies offering free website monitoring on the web. Before you jump on the “free” service bandwagon, there are some things you need to take into consideration.

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