Glorious Day | DFW Church Band


Why It Makes Sense To Use WordPress CMS For Your Website?

Most of us may be aware of the popularity WordPress CMS enjoys worldwide. This gives us an idea about its usages across industry verticals for websites of different variety. We know it’s free and open source in nature, and we also know that its codes are easily available for usages, editing and redistribution.

Get Ready to Update, Upgrade, and Redesign HTTP Web Sites to HTTPS

Google now uses SSL as a ranking signal and encourage webmasters to use HTTPS to protect their visitors. The data between your computer and the Internet is exchanged with the SSL protocol that encrypt the content exchanged between your computer and the server to prevent hacking and spying.

Things to Consider While Hiring A PHP Developer for Your Project

You have a business idea that you want to convert into a web solution. The business model is in front of you, but you need someone who can help you to develop it technically and make it live online. PHP is an inevitable programming language that is used to develop high quality websites for business as well as for other purposes.

B2C Portal Development: Exploring Its Merits and More

B2C (Business to Customer) portal development has experienced a steady trajectory over the years. Why are businesses willing to invest in B2C portal development? The reason isn’t that hard to find.

Is Wearable Technology the Future of Web Development?

Do you know what the biggest web development trend to have caught the fancy of tech folks is? It’s the wearable apps. Once you look at these figures, you will know why exactly wearables have managed to rise to tech prominence.

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