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Six Important Facts About Web Development

In this article, you will learn about the six crucial facts of web development that will help you create a website that is up-to-date and search engine friendly. A good website loads quickly, contains relevant information people are looking for and opens quickly on different browsers.

What Are The Most Important Considerations In Choosing A PHP Framework? Does Codeigniter Meet Them?

A lot of factors have to be taken in to consideration while choosing a PHP framework. Initially, the needs and requirements have to be considered before choosing a PHP framework. You will have to ask yourself a few questions that will help you make an informed decision. Here are the questions that you will have to ask yourself prior to choosing a framework.

What Are the Steps to Building a Website and Going Live?

The focus of this article is to assist those just starting out in building a home based business that requires an online presence such as a website or blog. In it, I discuss the steps of getting a domain name, selecting a web-hoster to host your website, deciding on whether to host your site in a LINUX environment or a Microsoft Server environment, selecting your website template or theme, publishing your site to bring it live and how to enter your site’s meta tags so search engines can find you.

How Can You Improve Your Website’s Performance on Google?

Keeping a business website updated & improved is of high significance because your website cannot perform well if it is outdated. And if it does not perform well, it cannot succeed to generate business leads.

Benefits of Web Design and Development Services

Nowadays, people are using apps for different purposes. For every business apps are important to communicate with users on a secure network. They also delegate their tasks with the help of these programs.

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