Vue JS Crash Course 2021

Learn the fundamentals of Vue JS (v3) in this project-based crash course

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0:00 – Intro & Slides
7:17 – User Generator Mini Project (CDN)
21:35 – Vue CLI Setup
24:30 – Files, Dev Server & Cleanup
28:22 – Global Styles
29:06 – Header Component
30:44 – Component Props
32:06 – Button Component
35:25 – Events
36:09 – Task Data & created() Method
38:22 – Tasks Component & v-for Loop
41:09 – Single Task Component
44:34 – Dynamic Classes
45:53 – Emit Events (Delete Task)
52:14 – Toggle Reminder
56:20 – AddTask Component & v-model
1:04:57 – Toggle Form & Template Conditionals
1:11:20 – Building For Production
1:13:33 – JSON-Server Setup
1:17:18 – Refactoring to Use The Backend
1:30:48 – Implementing the Router
1:48:23 – Restrict a Component to a Route

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