Bootcamp Notes – Day 14 (Thurs) – React: Week 4 – Glossary
React: Week 4 – Glossary
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Computed property namesComputed property names, new in ES6, are a way to create property name of objects dynamically using variables that are passed in.
Controlled FormsControlled forms are forms in which the fields of an HTML form are linked to and directly controlled by a React component, so that React is the single source of truth for the form state.
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FluxFlux is a design pattern/architecture that was created by the engineering team at Facebook as an alternative to MVC when working with React. There are many libraries which implement Flux, such as Flummox and Alt. Redux can be considered as an evolution/implementation of Flux. A key concept in Flux is that of unidirectional (one-way) data flow, which prevents inconsistencies and cascading effects.
Form ValidationJavaScript provides a way to validate form’s data on the client’s computer before sending it to the web server.
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MVCThe Model View Controller design pattern (or architectural pattern, or framework, depending on who you ask!) is one of the most widely used patterns for solving the problem of how to separate the View (UI) from the Model (application logic and data) on the front end. React was originally presented as the View part of MVC, but it has evolved since then and no longer considers MVC to be a part of its design.
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ReduxRedux is a third-party JavaScript state management library that was created originally with React in mind, but is capable of working with any other JavaScript library or framework. It provides a consistent, predictable way to access and update the front-end application state. It is especially helpful when working with applications with many different components. It has three principles:
regex tutorialsGood explanation: |
Regular ExpressionsRegular expressions are patterns used to match character combinations in strings. The regular expressions syntax is not unique to JavaScript; it is supported across many programming languages, including Perl, Java, Python, C, and more.
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Spread syntaxThe spread syntax (…) is new in ES6 and provides an easy way to combine multiple objects, or to create a new object from an existing object while updating specific properties.
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Ternary OperatorThe ternary operator, also known as the conditional operator, is typically used as a shorthand for the if statement. Ternary means “composed of three parts”, and it is the only JavaScript operator that takes three operands, as follows: (condition to evaluate) ? (expression to execute if condition is truthy) : expression to indicate if condition is falsy The parentheses around the condition to evaluate are not required, but often useful.