Bootcamp Notes – Day 20 (Thurs) – React: Week 5 Glossary
React: Week 5 Glossary
Fetch API |
H |
HTTPHTTP, the HyperText Transfer Protocol, is the underlying application layer protocol of the Web. It is the protocol that governs communication between web browsers and servers.
J |
JSONJSON, JavaScript Object Notation, is a text file format type that closely resembles JavaScript and can be easily converted to and from JavaScript. It is most often used for data transfer with RESTful web services.
P |
PromisesJavaScript promises are a way to handle asynchronous operations. Calls to the Fetch API will return a promise object.
R |
React-ScriptsThe react-scripts library is installed as a dependency by create-react-app and includes several useful scripts, including the start and build scripts.
RESTREST is an abbreviation for REpresentational State Transfer, and it is an architectural style for creating Web services that defines a set of constraints for how computer systems connected to the internet can communicate with each other. |
S |
SOAPSOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. It is an older approach than REST to creating Web APIs, and is a full-fledged protocol unlike REST, which is an architectural style. SOAP only accepts XML as its message format.
T |
ThunkA common concept in functional programming, a thunk is a function wrapped around another function in order to delay its execution until a later time. The redux-thunk library makes use of this strategy to insert asynchronous API calls (such as to the Fetch API) inside an action creator function.
W |
WebpackWebpack is a static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. It is installed and configured by default to work with React when you use create-react-app.
X |
XMLXML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. It is a text file format similar in structure to HTML, using start and close tags. It is most often used for data transfer with SOAP web services.