Love is a Choice | Bay Area Christian Church Live Stream 3/14

It is easy to see love as a feeling, something that comes as quickly as it can go. We can get caught up chasing the feeling of love, not realizing that we can choose to love every day. We are excited to learn from this week’s live stream how God wants to teach us how to choose love not only in our relationship with him, but with each other as well.


As we continue to shelter in place in order to keep our communities safe from the spread of coronavirus, we have been offering a series of special live stream worship services, Sundays at 11am PDT. These take the place of in-person services for all of our Bay Area locations. We hope you enjoy and feel welcome at our live stream! We hope to inspire many to grow in their personal spiritual life.

Join us for church online every Sunday at or on our YouTube channel, and be sure to stay safe.

Here’s what you can expect:
* A practical bible lesson to help us grow spiritually and learn how to approach God and our spiritual life on our own
* Story of the Week – inspiring stories of people doing good
* Freedom Flows – music to lift your spirits
* Sunday Morning Jetpack – a spiritual take on modern media
* Simple Notes – a printable note-taking sheet to help your personal study
* Doodle Notes – for visual or artistic learners interact with the service


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