Quokka | The JavaScript Scratchpad

A really nice VS Code extension for testing, prototyping, and learning JavaScript

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Websites Are Dead

Facebook business pages has gotten so popular that most people think they don’t need a website anymore. The ease of use and “free cost” of having your business up and running in virtually no time, is viewed by many as alternatives to websites. I have seen business cards with Facebook page listed as website URL, I have also seen clients with existing websites that direct traffic to their social media profiles, especially Facebook. I have even heard people claiming that WEBSITES ARE DEAD!

Challenges and Opportunities of a Web Application Development Company

Nowadays development of a web application development company has brought about numerous changes in the field of online business. The expert developers have a host of options for the replication of their applications and many opportunities to promote their marketing features. With the help of these applications you can make your IT industry thrive with all it is goodness.

Hire the Top Web Design Firms on oDesk for Your E-Commerce Website

If you are preparing to establish an online business, setting up an optimized and user-friendly website is the first-string necessity. Your website serves as the online interface between your customer and your business over the internet.

Making Amends After an Episode of Website Downtime

You may think that the only thing your business loses during an episode of website downtime is profits, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Oftentimes, a business will also lose customer confidence, customer satisfaction, and respect after an instance of extended downtime. In fact, website downtime is one of the leading causes of damage to a site’s reputation.

Ideas to Engage Customers Via Web Development and Design Services

Whether you’ve just launched a web portal or have been running a business for quite a while now, you know how difficult it is to attract end-customers.There are thousands of competitors out there in the market, to excel amongst them is a challenging task.

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