Bootcamp Setup React Portfolio Project with Terminal (Cheatsheet)

Bootcamp Setup React Portfolio Project with Terminal (Cheatsheet)


  1. Create working folder: myproject
  2. Right click on: myProject and select Git Bash
  3. Bash Terminal run:  create-react-app mynew-app
  4. Bash Terminal run: cd myproject
  5. Bash Terminal run: npm starts
  6. You should React displayed in browser
  7. Bash Terminal do: control-c   to stop React
  8. Close Git Bash Terminal app
  9. Right click on: mynew-app and select open with VS Code
  10. Now in VS Code, bring up terminal and run:  npm install –save bootstrap
  11. In the VS terminal type to Install:  npm install –save reactstrap react react-dom
  12. In the VS terminal type to Install: font-awesome:   npm install –save @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
  13. In the VS terminal type to Install: bootstrap-social: npm install bootstrap-social@5.1.1
  14. In the VS terminal type to Install React Routernpm install react-router-dom@5.2.0
  15. In the VS terminal type to Install:  npm add redux@4.0.5
  16. In the VS terminal type to Install:  npm add react-redux@7.2.0
  17. In the VS terminal type to Install:   yarn add redux-thunk@2.3.0
  18. In the VS terminal type to Install:   yarn add redux-logger@3.0.6

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