Top 5 FREE & Best WordPress Themes | 2021 Review

Not sure which theme to choose for your new WordPress Website? We got you covered in this review for our Top 5 FREE Themes for WordPress in 2021!

Get a Domain Name & Hosting for Your Website:

(I do receive a commission when you use the above link, but it gets you a discount on a domain and hosting as well. So it’s a win-win!)

Themes & Timestamps
00:00 – Intro/Overview

00:50 – Theme 1: Phlox

02:07 – Theme 2: Deep

03:25 – Theme 3: Ocean WP

04:46 – Theme 4: Astra

06:14 – Theme 5: Blocksy

08:02 – Outro: Hosting Discount!


How to Create a Website in 10 Minutes:

Top 10 Best Plugins for WordPress | 2021 Review:


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What Is Responsive Web Design?

A responsive web design physically alters the layout of web pages to fit comfortably within the width of the web or mobile browser. With this in mind, web designers and developers can provide different layouts for several devices allowing for improved navigation, call to action and user experience.

Web Maintenance: Because It’s More Than Just About Building Websites

For many businesses today, one of the ways by which they are able to effectively reach more customers and promote their products and services to a broader worldwide audience is by making use of the power of the internet. Throughout recent history, having an efficient business website has given companies all over the world a stronger online presence.

Micro Niche Sites – Why Do Customers Hate Micro Niche Sites

People are getting frustrated on the way they’re being treated on micro niche sites. This article talks about the reasons on why they hate micro niche sites.

Cloud Hosting: What Lies Ahead?

Cloud hosting is in the early stage of development and implementation. It looks like a promising option for future database management. However, the threats must be taken care of soon as this technology may give hackers access to your data.

Smartphones Are Helping the Busy Executives in Their Businesses

As a multipurpose and really efficient device, smartphones are considerably helping the busy executives to be more productive in their businesses. Many important business related tasks now can be done with the help of the smartphones from remote locations.

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