Bootcamp Notes – Day 7 (Wed) – React Native: Week 3: Gestures, and More!

Bootcamp Notes – Day 7 (Wed) – React Native: Week 3: Gestures, and More!

Gestures with React Native

Performing gestures is a natural way for users to interact with a mobile app.

Many types of gestures: simple/swipe gestures, quick taps, simultaneous multi-finger touches, etc

Built-in PanResponder APi: highly customizable and powerful way to manage responses to gestures throughout a gesture’s entire lifecycle, from the start of the gesture to the end.

The word “pan” in this context simply means movement in a direction such as panning the camera to the right or to the left.

In Gestures Part 1, we will look at handling a single touch gesture on the CampesiteInfo component, a drag from right to left similar to the swipeout we implemented previously. But we are not limited to responding to the gesture by revealing buttons, we now have more flexibility to customize our resonse.

Gestures Part 1


import React, { Component } from ‘react’;
import { Text, View, ScrollView, FlatList, Modal, Button, StyleSheet, Alert, PanResponder } from ‘react-native’;
import { Card, Icon, Rating, Input } from ‘react-native-elements’;
import { connect } from ‘react-redux’;
import { baseUrl } from ‘../shared/baseUrl’;
import { postFavorite, postComment } from ‘../redux/ActionCreators’;
import * as Animatable from ‘react-native-animatable’;
const mapStateToProps = state => {
    return {
        campsites: state.campsites,
        comments: state.comments,
        favorites: state.favorites
const mapDispatchToProps = {
    postFavorite: campsiteId => (postFavorite(campsiteId)),
    postComment: (campsiteId, rating, author, text) => postComment(campsiteId, rating, author, text)
function RenderCampsite(props) {
    const {campsite} = props;
    const recognizeDrag = ({dx}) => (dx < -200) ? true : false;
    const panResponder = PanResponder.create({
        onStartShouldSetPanResponder: () => true,
        onPanResponderEnd: (e, gestureState) => {
            console.log(‘pan responder end’, gestureState);
            if (recognizeDrag(gestureState)) {
                    ‘Add Favorite’,
                    ‘Are you sure you wish to add ‘ + + ‘ to favorites?’,
                            text: ‘Cancel’,
                            style: ‘cancel’,
                            onPress: () => console.log(‘Cancel Pressed’)
                            text: ‘OK’,
                            onPress: () => props.favorite ?
                                console.log(‘Already set as a favorite’) : props.markFavorite()
                    { cancelable: false }
            return true;
    if (campsite) {
        return (
                image={{uri: baseUrl + campsite.image}}>
                <Text style={{margin: 10}}>
                <View style={styles.cardRow}>
                        name={props.favorite ? ‘heart’ : ‘heart-o’}
                        onPress={() => props.favorite ? 
                            console.log(‘Already set as a favorite’) : props.markFavorite()}
                        onPress={() => props.onShowModal()} 
                            // console.log(‘Already set as a favorite’) : props.markFavorite()}
    return <View />;
function RenderComments({comments}) {
    const renderCommentItem = ({item}) => {
        return (
            <View style={{margin: 10}}>
                <Text style={{fontSize: 14}}>{item.text}</Text>
                        style={{paddingVertical: ‘5%’, alignItems: ‘flex-start’}}
                <Text style={{fontSize: 12}}>{`– ${}, ${}`}</Text>
    return (
        <Animatable.View animation=’fadeInUp’ duration={2000} delay={1000}>
            <Card title=’Comments’>
                    keyExtractor={item =>}
class CampsiteInfo extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            showModal: false,
            rating: 5,
            author: ” “,
            text: ” “
    toggleModal() {
        this.setState({showModal: !this.state.showModal});
    handleComment(campsiteId) {
        this.props.postComment(campsiteId, this.state.rating,, this.state.text);
    resetForm() {
            showModal: false,
            rating: 5,
            author: ” “,
            text: ” “
    markFavorite(campsiteId) {
    static navigationOptions = {
        title: ‘Campsite Information’
    render() {
        const campsiteId = this.props.navigation.getParam(‘campsiteId’);
        const campsite = this.props.campsites.campsites.filter(campsite => === campsiteId)[0];
        const comments = this.props.comments.comments.filter(comment => comment.campsiteId === campsiteId);
        return (
                <RenderCampsite campsite={campsite}
                    markFavorite={() => this.markFavorite(campsiteId)}
                    onShowModal={() => this.toggleModal(campsiteId)}
                <RenderComments comments={comments} />
                    onRequestClose={() => this.toggleModal()}
                    <View style={styles.modal}>
                        onFinishRating={rating => this.setState({rating: rating})} 
                        style={{paddingVertical: 10}}
                        leftIcon={{ type: “font-awesome”, name: “user-o”}}
                        leftIconContainerStyle={{paddingRight: 10}}
                        onChangeText={value => this.setState({author: value})}
                        leftIcon={{ type: “font-awesome”, name: “comment-o”}}
                        leftIconContainerStyle={{paddingRight: 10}}
                        onChangeText={value => this.setState({text: value})}
                        <View style={{margin: 10}}>
                            onPress={() => {
                        <View style={{margin: 10}}>
                            onPress={() => {
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    cardRow: {
        alignItems: ‘center’,
        justifyContent: ‘center’,
        flex: 1,
        flexDirection: ‘row’,
        margin: 20
    modal: { 
        justifyContent: ‘center’,
        margin: 20
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(CampsiteInfo);


Gestures Part 2


import React, { Component } from ‘react’;
import { Text, View, ScrollView, FlatList, Modal, Button, StyleSheet, Alert, PanResponder } from ‘react-native’;
import { Card, Icon, Rating, Input } from ‘react-native-elements’;
import { connect } from ‘react-redux’;
import { baseUrl } from ‘../shared/baseUrl’;
import { postFavorite, postComment } from ‘../redux/ActionCreators’;
import * as Animatable from ‘react-native-animatable’;
const mapStateToProps = state => {
    return {
        campsites: state.campsites,
        comments: state.comments,
        favorites: state.favorites
const mapDispatchToProps = {
    postFavorite: campsiteId => (postFavorite(campsiteId)),
    postComment: (campsiteId, rating, author, text) => postComment(campsiteId, rating, author, text)
function RenderCampsite(props) {
    const {campsite} = props;
    const view = React.createRef();
    const recognizeDrag = ({dx}) => (dx < -200) ? true : false;
    const panResponder = PanResponder.create({
        onStartShouldSetPanResponder: () => true,
        onPanResponderGrant: () => {
            .then(endState => console.log(endState.finished ? ‘finished’ : ‘canceled’));
        onPanResponderEnd: (e, gestureState) => {
            console.log(‘pan responder end’, gestureState);
            if (recognizeDrag(gestureState)) {
                    ‘Add Favorite’,
                    ‘Are you sure you wish to add ‘ + + ‘ to favorites?’,
                            text: ‘Cancel’,
                            style: ‘cancel’,
                            onPress: () => console.log(‘Cancel Pressed’)
                            text: ‘OK’,
                            onPress: () => props.favorite ?
                                console.log(‘Already set as a favorite’) : props.markFavorite()
                    { cancelable: false }
            return true;
    if (campsite) {
        return (
                image={{uri: baseUrl + campsite.image}}>
                <Text style={{margin: 10}}>
                <View style={styles.cardRow}>
                        name={props.favorite ? ‘heart’ : ‘heart-o’}
                        onPress={() => props.favorite ? 
                            console.log(‘Already set as a favorite’) : props.markFavorite()}
                        onPress={() => props.onShowModal()} 
                            // console.log(‘Already set as a favorite’) : props.markFavorite()}
    return <View />;
function RenderComments({comments}) {
    const renderCommentItem = ({item}) => {
        return (
            <View style={{margin: 10}}>
                <Text style={{fontSize: 14}}>{item.text}</Text>
                        style={{paddingVertical: ‘5%’, alignItems: ‘flex-start’}}
                <Text style={{fontSize: 12}}>{`– ${}, ${}`}</Text>
    return (
        <Animatable.View animation=’fadeInUp’ duration={2000} delay={1000}>
            <Card title=’Comments’>
                    keyExtractor={item =>}
class CampsiteInfo extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            showModal: false,
            rating: 5,
            author: ” “,
            text: ” “
    toggleModal() {
        this.setState({showModal: !this.state.showModal});
    handleComment(campsiteId) {
        this.props.postComment(campsiteId, this.state.rating,, this.state.text);
    resetForm() {
            showModal: false,
            rating: 5,
            author: ” “,
            text: ” “
    markFavorite(campsiteId) {
    static navigationOptions = {
        title: ‘Campsite Information’
    render() {
        const campsiteId = this.props.navigation.getParam(‘campsiteId’);
        const campsite = this.props.campsites.campsites.filter(campsite => === campsiteId)[0];
        const comments = this.props.comments.comments.filter(comment => comment.campsiteId === campsiteId);
        return (
                <RenderCampsite campsite={campsite}
                    markFavorite={() => this.markFavorite(campsiteId)}
                    onShowModal={() => this.toggleModal(campsiteId)}
                <RenderComments comments={comments} />
                    onRequestClose={() => this.toggleModal()}
                    <View style={styles.modal}>
                        onFinishRating={rating => this.setState({rating: rating})} 
                        style={{paddingVertical: 10}}
                        leftIcon={{ type: “font-awesome”, name: “user-o”}}
                        leftIconContainerStyle={{paddingRight: 10}}
                        onChangeText={value => this.setState({author: value})}
                        leftIcon={{ type: “font-awesome”, name: “comment-o”}}
                        leftIconContainerStyle={{paddingRight: 10}}
                        onChangeText={value => this.setState({text: value})}
                        <View style={{margin: 10}}>
                            onPress={() => {
                        <View style={{margin: 10}}>
                            onPress={() => {
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    cardRow: {
        alignItems: ‘center’,
        justifyContent: ‘center’,
        flex: 1,
        flexDirection: ‘row’,
        margin: 20
    modal: { 
        justifyContent: ‘center’,
        margin: 20
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(CampsiteInfo);


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