Overworking Yourself As A Developer | Mental & Physical Health

Some things to think about if you are putting in long hours writing code. Are you overworked? and is it affecting your mental/physical health, relationships, etc?

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Website Downtime Isn’t Your Business’s Only Enemy

If you think that website downtime is your business’s only enemy, you’re sorely mistaken. Slowdowns and performance issues can be just as detrimental to your bottom line. Just how important is the performance of your website to its profits and success? You may be surprised.

Will You Outsource Your Web Application Development or Not?

Even with the emergence of mobile, web applications continue to be popular and in demand among businesses locally or abroad. The applications may be a software or web-based tool and both play critical roles in the business world. The ability to provide seamless link between different channels of communication and interaction to the business environment and outside, web application development becomes a necessity.

Choosing the Right WordPress Developers for Your Website

As one of the popular web platforms, it is important to know how a WordPress website can work for you. One way to maximize the potential of a WordPress website is through getting the services of a developer. This article will explore the consideration in choosing the right WordPress developer for your website.

What Is Web Development And What Mistakes Do People Commonly Make?

Web development is a term that describes a number of activities each of which is associated with the development of a website. There are various strategies that are used to get better results and these strategies include e-commerce, web designing and development of web content.

Why a Client-Focused Web Development Vendor Is Beneficial to Your Business

When it comes to web development, you have three options: 1. Find a Freelancer that can complete your web development work. 2. Hire a web development company to complete your web work on a contract-basis. 3. Stick with a web development company that grows with your business. There are pros and cons to many of the options above but the key thing to look for is Are They Client-Focused?

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