Sunday Service | 4.25.21 | Hybrid Zoom Service

Please join us today as we begin together for singing and the latest news. We will then break out to regional and ministry Zoom Rooms at approximately 10:20am for our interactive lessons and to share communion together. The links for individual church services available today (by region and ministry) are listed below:


University/Oviedo/North Region Zoom: 💻

Southwest Region Zoom: 💻

UCF Campus Ministry Zoom: 💻

East Region Zoom: 💻

Espanol/Spanish Zoom: 💻

TRIBE Ministry Zoom: 💻

Middle School Zoom: 💻



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PHP Development Services Prove Favorable For Every Online Business

Installed in as many as 244 million websites and 2.1 million web servers, PHP server-side scripting language designed for web development was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995. Although PHP is used as a general-purpose programming language, it is an extensively used software programming language that aids in building dynamic websites for any kind of business.

A Simple Guide to What PHP Development Is and Its Importance to the Success of Your Website

When it comes to creating and implementing a website, it is necessary for scripting and development system you are using to be easy to use, have a wide range of uses and applications, and inexpensive to adjust and make changes to. If your present website set-up is too complicated for you to modify on your own and requires professional help every single time, you may be unnecessarily burning lots of money and energy. In order to save you time, money and effort, PHP Development is always an available and useful option.

A Good Web Development Company Can Help Build Your Impressive Online Presence

Without a web presence, a business might as well not exist at all! Online sales make up a major part of the overall sales of most of the businesses these days. In fact, the website even plays a big role in generating offline sales. The site is the online representation of your business and it is vital that it be beautiful, well-designed and highly functional.

Importance of Web Development and Web Designing

In this modern world, the growth of any business can be easily determined by seeing its online presence. Whether a business is big or small, a website has become a necessity. The development of a website is a very demanding task because it includes designing, building, search engine optimization and content creation.

Are You Backing Up Your WordPress Site?

Many people new to WordPress have yet to grasp just how important it is for your WordPress security that you create backups of your site regularly. This can and often does help WordPress site owners avoid the mind-numbing pain of having your site disappear, with no viable copy or backup. Let’s look at some ways to avoid this doomsday scenario!

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