Angular Crash Course 2021

Learn the fundamentals of Angular in this project-based crash course

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0:00 – Hostinger Sponsor
0:35 – Intro & Slides
7:41 – Angular CLI & Setup
10:39 – Files & Folders
14:49 – Component structure
16:42 – Properties & Interpolation
18:40 – Global Styles
19:20 – Header Component
23:15 – Button Component
24:36 – Component Input Data
22:19 – Creating an event & event emitter output
30:51 – Mock Tasks & Task Interface
34:10 – Tasks Component
36:03 – Looping with ngFor
37:16 – Task Item Component
40:13 – Angular Font Awesome Setup
44:39 – Create a Task Service
49:06 – Creating and Subscribe to Observable
50:04 – JSON-Server Setup
57:29 – Angular HTTP Client
59:48 – Fetching Tasks
1:02:59 – Deleting Tasks
1:12:54 – Toggle Reminder
1:20:29 – Add Task Component
1:26:26 – Forms Module & ngModel
1:29:00 – Submit & Create Task
1:37:02 – Toggle Button & UI Service
1:51:38 – Angular Router
1:57:34 – Limit Component to Route

4 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Website Developer

The internet is a powerful tool for facilitating global information exchange and interaction. In case you are seeking for an agency or a contractor to design the organization’s website, there are many choices to choose from. There are local development & design agencies, international developers, freelance website designers and do-it-yourself services.

Some Most Popular Passive Income Streams For A WordPress Developer

Many internet marketers started working as a freelance developer or a programmer. They had been working with some leading content management systems like Joomla and WordPress. Today there are millions of websites that use such content management systems and a skilled developer can easily make decent earning working as a freelance developer. However, these skilled programmers and developers can also create passive income streams and make money for the lifetime without doing anything. Here you will discover how a WordPress developer can start making passive income and quit serving as a freelancer right away.

Three Reasons to Purchase a Coffee Turnkey Website

Nearly every household contains at least one person who enjoys a nice cup of coffee – even if it’s just to wake them up in the morning. If you are interested in making a little money online or owning your own website then why not consider buying a coffee lovers turnkey website. Here are three reasons why you should purchase one of these types of websites today.

4 Important Areas to Consider In Developing a Website

The first impression counts when it comes to e-commerce and web development. Visitors judge you based on what they see on the website; a good layout, good design and an easy-to-use website sets you ahead of the competition. Online users are now experienced about using the internet to research their latest requirements and needs and doing online shopping.

Purchasing a Turnkey Website – Read the FAQ

A turnkey website can be a really great way to get established online in the quickest time possible. They are low cost and usually the process of purchasing one and getting it set up is usually pain-free. However, If you are thinking about investing in a turnkey website then it is very important that you read the sellers frequently asked questions first. You should never purchase anything with your eyes shut, and if you can’t find the answer to your question you should send the seller an email. Here are a few things you check for in the FAQ.

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