DFW Church Virtual Service: 5/9/21 “Mother’s Day”

Happy Mother’s Day!

Welcome to the DFW Church Virtual Service. This week’s sermon is entitled “Being Yoked to the Right Rabbi” preached by Jordan Zech from the DFW Central Worship Center.

We are happy to have you back and if this is your first time joining us, Like and Subscribe to our channel.

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Email: info@dfwchurch.net

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How to Get the Right Ecommerce Solution For Your Business

Ecommerce development is gaining importance as more and more businesses are turning to the Internet for their business development. However, to succeed in ecommerce, you need to have certain strategies that meet your need and are within your limitation.

Selecting the Right Programming Language Made Easier

Programming is a very useful and rewarding hobby. There are a few better feelings than when someone sees you using a program you lashed together to make your life easier and says that it looks really useful. Most people at some point in their lives really wanted to be able to do something on their computer or phone and been unable to.

Alt Tags

Alt tags or ‘alternative tags’ provide a text based environment so that web crawlers can register the information provided by images on a webpage. It is important to remember that they do not show up on your webpage which means that your webpage will not become cluttered with excessive text. They can only be seen by customers if they deliberately hover their mouse over the image in question. If for some reason an image will not load properly then the alt tag will be presented in the image space and will act as a substitute.

Drupal Theme Customization to Find It on Your Space

A Drupal theme is nothing but a kind of plug-in used to develop a site. If you are an enthusiastic CSS web designer, looking forward to design and develop themes without any issues with the PHP codes or so, then few versions of Drupal can fetch your needs.

Six Impressive Ways to Design About Us Pages That Will Draw Customers to Your Website

Content is king because it is at the core of describing what your organization does. About Us pages are the most neglected sections in the formation of a website often subjected to boring content that does little to demystify what the company or brand is all about. This does not need to be the case because the About Us page was designed to tell your customers why they should care about you and what you are offering in the first place. About Us pages are designed to communicate what is at the heart of your organization and why they should plug-in to get a feel of what you are offering.

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