Abraham and Melchizedek

Melchizedek is one of the most intriguing characters in the Bible, first introduced in the story of Abraham. He’s a mysterious priest king who rules a city that will later be called Jerusalem, and he gives God’s blessing to Abraham. In this video, we’ll explore how Melchizedek fits into the larger biblical theme of the coming royal priest.

View more resources on The Royal Priest:
-Abraham and Melchizedek Study Notes: https://tbp.xyz/abrahamstudynotes
-Abraham and Melchizedek Script References: https://tbp.xyz/abrahamscript
-Abraham and Melchizedek blog: https://tbp.xyz/abrahamblog
-Abraham and Melchizedek podcast: https://tbp.xyz/priestpodcast

#Abraham #Melchizedek #BibleProject

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