My First Freelance Gig Was a Disaster

A little story about my first paid project as a freelancer back in 2008 – 2009

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Is Security Required For Protecting Your Website? If Yes, Then To How Much Extend?

There are various other reasons why websites are hacked. Some hack websites simply for fun while others hack to steal certain secret information yet others hack due to mere hatred they bear against others. Whatever be the cause, the most important thing that we must bear in mind is that we must prevent it at any cost. You must always provide as many safety measures as possible to prevent your site from getting hacked.

3 Reasons to Purchase a Quit Smoking Turnkey Website

If you have ever considered starting an online business or purchasing a turnkey website then why not consider one in the quit smoking niche. With the rising cost of smoking, and the many health risks it carries, many more people are searching online for easy low-cost ways to quit smoking.

The Role of Web Design Company in Incorporating SEO in Websites

As web designing became an important part of marketing services the role of web designing company also grew. The process of creating a website required expert hands. Initially the website creation mainly needed the knowledge of HTML and basic flash software.

Find Out How To Set Up Your WordPress Site Fast And Easy

Just getting started with your WordPress site but struggling to get it set up right? Well quit struggling and learn how to set up your WordPress site the fast and simple way by letting someone who knows the proper steps show you how!

Web Database Development – A Great Benefit for E-Commerce

With the Internet becoming such a pertinent force in everything we do, the need for specialists to organize and optimize the vast amount of data available on the Internet becomes apparent. Hence, the evolution of web database development specialists to harness all the information available into neat and tidy packages for your e-commerce businesses.

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