Apple Glasses Release Date and Price – Apple Glass AR Features!

Apple iGlasses could be coming VERY SOON! We have the LATEST on the Apple Glasses Release Date and Price and the latest on the Apple Glass AR Features!

Today I want to share the latest details and leaks of a new Apple Glass model in the works, we have been told it will be called Apple Glass! We have for you the latest on the Apple Glasses Launch Date and more about the Specs of the device.
We also have the latest information on the Apples Glasses Price as well and if the Apple Glasses launch coming soon?

We are so excited for this phone so we are constantly giving you the latest Apple Glasses review details whenever we can.. We are still awaiting a official Apple Glass video trailer but these latest renders if true make the device is looking to have a gorgeous Apple Glass Design!

Some of the rumoured Apple Glass features:

 It will work with your iPhone/iPad
 Rumoured LIDAR sensor onboard

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