Jonah: God’s Not Finished With You Yet | Online Church Service

In this fifth part of our Jonah series, we look forward to continuing to learn from Jonah how even in our unbelief and resistance we can make God known. When we pray through our storms – our disappointments, disillusionments, and discouragements – we can help other people see God.

Join us this Sunday at 11am PDT for the Bay Area Christian Church live stream service.


As we enter into a post-pandemic world, we are excited to start having in-person services. You can join us in person at one of our many locations at Or if you don’t live near us, join us for church online every Sunday at or on our YouTube channel. Either way we hope to inspire many to grow in their personal spiritual life.


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How to Change the Design of Your WordPress Blog

You know that you have to write great content on your WordPress blog to be successful. Plus you have discovered all the SEO tips to get you on the first page of Google. But, you want more!

Where are the Website Visitors?

Picture this… You have a new Website, and you are waiting for the orders to come rolling in. After a few months, you are looking rather despondent. After six months, you are looking definitely jaded. But there are still no orders. The Website gets only the occasional visitor. This, after all the expense of hiring a graphics artist and having a Website designer create the most delightful website. You are back to placing expensive advertisements in the local newspaper – knowing that the return will be negligible. It is of little consolation knowing that you are in the same boat as 60% of all website owners.

HTML to Joomla

Points to Ponder: 1. Joomla CMS 2. Need for HTML to Joomla template 3. Features of Joomla conversion. Joomla CMS is a popular content management system and a free of cost open source. Its user management and admin management features makes adding and editing web pages effortless. The ease to create and edit menus, changing the look of the website and creating and categorising contents is remarkable, which makes it the second most used CMS over the internet.

How Are Rich Internet Applications Important To Your Brand Image?

In the wake of the mobile marketing revolution, many businesses sideline the importance of using rich internet applications in marketing their products. Keep in mind the fact that, with the use of rich internet applications, many businesses have been able to bring in improved brand performance. Read on and learn more about how and why you need to adopt this approach in promoting your online presence.

How Mobile Application Development Could Improve Your Sales

As anyone who owns a smart phone can tell you, mobile applications are hugely popular at the moment and this popularity is only set to rise as time goes on. If you are in business, however, this new age of the “app” could mean big things, especially when it comes to improving your sales figures. By employing a mobile application development company to create your business’s very own app, you could immediately see a boost in the performance of your brand, and here’s why…

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