Build 5 Projects With HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Build 5 Projects With HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Sharpen your JavaScript, CSS, DOM skills by building 5 projects in one video

50ProjectsIn50Days Course:
5 DAY COUPON ($9.99)
30 DAY COUPON ($12.99)

GitHub Repo:

0:00 – Intro
2:23 – Project 1 – Blurry Loading
15:31 – Project 2 – Vertical Slider
41:23 – Project 3 – Random Choice Picker
1:01:44 – Project 4 – Live User Filter
1:28:50 – Project 5 – Content Placeholder

How To Prepare Your Website for 2012

With a host of new changes scheduled throughout 2012, it’s important to ensure your website is ready to stay up to date. Keep an eye on these major changes, and you’ll be on the cutting edge for years to come.

Why Is Clean Mark Up Important In Web Development?

The web, as anyone who works in web development or design will tell you, is an ever-changing phenomenon; so much so, that it can be easy to fall behind whenever something new is introduced. By utilizing clean mark up and following the proper web standards, however, you can help to prevent yourself from falling too far behind (if at all). So, what does it actually mean to have ‘clean’ mark up?

Where Can I Put Together A Web Page?

Once upon a time, web sites were costly and very specialised conundrums to administer. They appeared to the majority of individuals like the province of computer mystics and wizards. The modern era has actually transformed websites into something everybody can do. In several instances website building is as straightforward as clicking a few buttons.

Importance of a Defined Brand Identity

Your brand helps to differentiate you from your competition. It shows why consumers should consider you over other businesses or companies who offer the same type of products or services. Your brand is more than just your product or service and it’s more than just a logo. The visual identity of your business, the name, the tagline, and the marketing message are all elements of the brand.

A Comparison Between Shared And Dedicated Hosting

The choice of web hosting for webmasters nowadays often falls to either a shared or a dedicated hosting. These two types of hosting methods are the most popular choices out there nowadays as well. While the shared hosting is cheaper, users will be able to work in an easier way with the dedicated hosting. There are boundaries that the shared hosting will prevent you from achieving greater heights. So, we are here to let you know about the things that you need to look out for in both of these hosting servers.

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