How to Add a Transparent Header to Your WordPress Website | Astra + Elementor Tutorial 2021

Learn how to add a custom Transparent Header to your WordPress website in just 3 simple steps! We will be building this using the Astra Theme and Elementor for WordPress.

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How to Backup Your Website in 5 Minutes:

How to Create a Business Email for Free

How to Create a Free Logo for Your Website:

How to Secure Your Website From Hackers:


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How to Choose The Right Facebook Application Developer?

Recently, Facebook has released a bunch of statistics, which suggests that there are about 400 million active users on Facebook, along with three million pages. With such an enormous expansion, Facebook is an undisputed leader amongst all social media networks today.

Build Your Website With Authority

There has been some different views on building an authority website. I am a person who believes in sticking to the basics. That being said, here’s my view of building a website with authority. The first thing to keep in mind throughout your authority website construction is remembering that you are writing for your visitor, not you. The reader arrived at your website for themselves and the information

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

Who amongst us has not looked something up using their mobile phone, iPad, iPod Touch or some other mobile device? I think there are few that would be raising their hand on that one.

Key Steps to Building a Success App: Teamwork

Building a successful app is the result of a combination of creative and technical genius that delivers a product that the intended audience loves. For this magic to happen, finding the right team is critical. Too much tech and the app will be functionality solid but will look rough. Too much design focus and the app will look cool but work badly. So what is the right balance? What skills are needed at each stage of the project?

Web Site Flipping or Exit Plan

Flipping is not broadly discussed around the internet but it has become a very large industry for internet marketers. Large profits can be made by flipping web sites only a few months old. Most sites that are flipped generally have a money making source attached to them. The income derived from a web site can be varied in many different ways from AdSense to selling of physical products.

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