Intentional Career Building with Kent C. Dodds // React Advanced London Interview

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October 22 & 25, 2021

Today we are going to talk with Kent C. Dodds.

We’re going to find out how he got started in development, what he’s up to today, and what he’ll be talking about at the upcoming React Advanced London conference.

The title of his talk: Intentional Career Building

Find @Kent C. Dodds on Twitter: @kentcdodds

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⏱️ Timestamps ⏱️
00:00 – Intro
00:54 – Kent C. Dodds Introduction
01:17 – How did you get started in web development?
04:00 – What are some recent projects you’ve worked on?
05:17 – Are virtual/hybrid conferences here to stay?
09:38 – What is Intensional Career Building?
10:43 – Be Nice!

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How to Engage Your Website Visitors

Engaging with your website visitors is vital in these days of short attention spans. And interactivity is key to that engagement.

The Basics of Starting a Website

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Use Dedicated Hosting For An E-Commerce Website

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Adult Hosting: Things You Need To Know About Hosting An Adult Website

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Create Credibility With Your ‘About’ Page

Your ‘About’ page is arguably as important as your homepage. It’s a condensed version of your offering and is crucial to keep your web visitors and inspire them to call you. Oh how I loathe to read a yoga studio teacher bio page with no surnames. What purpose does this serve? Certainly not the teachers. Because the internet has none of the face-to-face cues that people rely on to make a judgment call on your credibility or trustworthiness, people head to your website’s ‘About’ page. They read your ‘About’ page to help determine whether or not to do business with you.

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