Reconnecting With Vulnerability | Post-Pandemic Possibilities, Part 2

Many of us have experienced the loneliness and isolation that have come with pandemic stress. We may have gotten comfortable with detachment, distance, and disconnection. If we are going to overcome this pandemic stress and see the possibilities God is trying to bring us, we can’t do it alone. We need to reconnect and have vulnerable, rather than virtual, relationships.


#LetsTalk is designed to work best in a group setting. We want to help you deepen your relationships by facilitating fun, spiritual conversations. For more installments of #LetsTalk or information on how to get connected with a group, visit our website at

Here are some resources to help you dive deeper into what the scriptures say on this topic.

► Read the Psalm 30s and 40s to learn more about how to be vulnerable with God first, and then with our friends and families.

► Read 4 Unexpected Benefits of Being Vulnerable to see how vulnerability doesn’t have to be scary, but makes you better and happier.

►Watch Brene Brown’s The power of vulnerability to learn more about the benefits and necessity of vulnerability in relationships.

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Find Proper School Website Development With the Pros

Too many school websites are still firmly rooted in the past, and their age and ineffectiveness is truly starting to show. School sites that have a dated look and that don’t have true functionality are not going to be of any use to staff, students, or parents who want to find out more information about the school.

If You Are Thinking About Creating Your First Website Then WordPress Is A Great Choice

If you are new to creating websites then using WordPress is the best option for you. It is very easy to use and add content to and requires no programming knowledge. This article explains and shows you how you can take it further.

Tips for Starting a Successful Online Business

Get tips how to start your own online business today. Learn the basics to researching your niche, scaling the competition to choosing the perfect domain name for your new website.

Hotel Website Design – Induce Online Bookings

Nowadays, your business properties’ web design and development is of great significance and value than ever before. In this day and age of internet, it is the most lucrative mode of direct marketing.

Web Development Services: Who Needs It and Why?

The technology is enhancing and improving on a day to day basis and so is the progress and extent of IT industry. The internet has today brought the whole world closer than ever before. People have started using online services for almost everything.

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