Angular 12 – Building Custom Controls using Control Value Accessors

In this video I show you how to create your very own custom control in Angular 12, by converting a slider toggle component from a regular component to a form control using Control Value Accessors.

I speak about how to implement a NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR provider, as well as how to implement the ControlValueAccessor interface.

This code is available on my Github account.

There are 2 branches in this repository:-

Main – Contains the end result of this video.
Intro – Contains the code for the application at the start of the video

So if you wish to follow along with this video, make sure you checkout the Intro branch.

This is just one of many Angular 12 tutorials that I will be uploading to my channel. And this is my first video in a while around Reactive Forms

Latest Trends in Web Design and How to Get Them for Your Website

The world of web design is constantly changing, but thanks to talented web designers across the globe, websites are staying on trend while technology moves forward at an alarming rate. Here are just a few of those trends and how you can get them for your website: Mobile-optimization – It seems everyone has a smart phone these days and mobile apps are hugely popular. But apps are limited in the amount of information that can be viewed, so users often want to link to a main website.

How to Make a Website That Looks and Feels Great

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to make a good website. Most clearly, internet development has come to the point where you can set up your own webpages instantly without much hassle. You can create your own webpage using any of the available social networks, such as, or if you want to make it more personal and private, you can use any available template and create your own website without knowing much about HTML, PHP, SQL and other technologies of website development.

How To Start A Website For Sharing Videos

Presently, YouTube is the most popular free video sharing website. Most folks are already registered on YouTube. While browsing through different videos on YouTube, most of you must have thought of creating a similar website. It is not at all difficult to start a website for free video sharing. Even if you lack programming skills or technical knowledge, you can still run a website by following the tips mentioned in this article.

7 Reasons Why You Should Build Your Own Website With a Website Builder

The process of getting a website built for your business or even building a personal website can get quite complex and expensive, especially if you go down the usual route of seeking a website designer on the Internet or business directories. Using a website builder makes it is fairly easy to create a professional looking website without spending lots of money upfront, while adding the ability to upgrade and manage your site whenever you want.

Prevent Price Creep Of Website Development Costs

What can be done when a programmer provides a quote and then comes back 15 months later and says they now need 4 times the original estimate to finish? This question has been posed in LinkedIn groups and it begs the question of “why did you wait so long to investigate delivery?” Read more to learn how to prevent price creep.

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