Finding Love In A World Full of Hate | Better Together, Part Two

In a world full of hate, it can be hard to find love. But when we go to God to work through the hate, bitterness, or distance in our own relationships, we can be the love that we’re looking for. For us to have relationships that are better together, we need God can help us let go of what’s holding us back and move forward towards the purpose he has for us.

A Write Up on Website Development for Small Business

Small business website development is the real key to the success of small and medium business enterprises that crowd the web world today. The companies do not have the resources to go in for sophisticated, high-end, fully software-loaded websites that big Corporates and business conglomerates indulge in usually.

5 Reasons to Choose WordPress

WordPress has become one of the most popular tools in the world for website building. It is one of the most talked about topics among business owners. So I thought I’d share my top 5 reasons for me giving this platform 2 thumbs up.

War Against Cyber And Web Evils

It took over 20 years after the Internet was born in the US military before it was put to extensive use by the public with the discovery and purposeful creation of the World Wide Web. It was made easier and faster when www was offered free of charge – no license fees or royalties. Very generous of its creators. I just wish Mr. Bill Gates will one day wake up with the same magnanimity!

Some Aspects That You Need To Look At When Creating Your Website

After designing a website for your business, the next issue that you have to face is hosting your website on the server so that all those who want to get connected with you can do the same without any difficulty. There are specialized companies which provide you all the technical assistance to make your website online. These companies provide advanced hardware for effective functioning, security from viruses and stability by keeping website up for almost all the time.

Hand in Hand: Web Development and Search Engine Optimization

Before you commission someone to build a website, make sure that they are privy to on-page optimization. This is the part of SEO concerned about how the website is built and how it would be read by search engine bots. If they are not familiar with it, you can either look for another developer or have a SEO specialist work side by side with the developer.

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