JavaScript Drag & Drop Sortable List Project

Learn the drag & drop API, array methods, spread operator, and DOM manipulation in this vanilla JavaScript project

Full 20 Projects Course:

Code: [MONTHNAME]2021


0:00 – Intro
2:27 – Insert List Items Into DOM
12:02 – Scramble List Items
18:44 – The CSS
31:07 – Drag & Drop Functionality
46:05 – Check Order

How to Build Easy to Use Websites

Everyone wants a website that is consumer friendly. This is especially true of business or e-commerce websites, where usability can make or break a sale and even send a potential customer to your competitor. Getting an easy to use websites built for you can be extremely expensive, and doing it from scratch can take too much time and effort, especially if you know little to nothing about programming and scripting languages.

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