What is the difference between SQL and NoSQL? Which one is better? Which one is faster?

We first need to understand how SQL databases and NoSQL document databases differ.

In SQL databases, relational data is separated into tables and then “joined” back together when queried. In NoSQL document databases like MongoDB, relational data is stored together and not separated.

It’s actually because of this difference in the way the data is stored that makes MongoDB more performant than SQL databases.

If you take a SQL database with multiple tables and simply convert the disparate tables into separate collections in MongoDB, it will not perform very well. It’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. You’re not using the database properly.

So, when building out your database structure, you must take into consideration the type of database you are using and structure your data accordingly.

To be clear, there is no “perfect” database for every scenario. You should pick the best database that fits your specific needs.

DISCLAIMER: I am a Developer Advocate for MongoDB.

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#shorts #SQL #NoSQL

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