The Power of Forgiveness, Part 2 | Online Church Service

In this second part of our “Power of Forgiveness” series, we learn how to move past guilt and be freed up to build our lives God’s way. Holding on to guilt will give us a dysfunctional and twisted view of love. But when we embrace the power of forgiveness, we can see love the way God defines it, and be freed up to love others that way, too.

Join us this Sunday at 11am PDT for the Bay Area Christian Church live stream service.


As we enter into a post-pandemic world, we are excited to start having in-person services. You can join us in person at one of our many locations at Or if you don’t live near us, join us for church online every Sunday at or on our YouTube channel. Either way we hope to inspire many to grow in their personal spiritual life.


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Why It’s Important to Learn HTML Basics?

Creating a 5 page web site can cost anywhere between $100 and $500 depending on what type of pages you want. If you knew HTML you could easily create your website for nothing but a little of your time.

Help Improve My Website’s Bounce Rate

One of the easiest ways to determine how well your audience is engaging with your website is to review your bounce rate. After all, the bounce rate is calculated by the percentage of visitors that land on a page only to exit without visiting any other pages on your site. So, I guess it goes without saying that a high bounce rate is detrimental to the success of your website. Well, that’s not entirely true. Yes, a high bounce rate can be your website’s demise; however bounce rates will greatly vary depending on the type of page we’re analyzing. Identifying the pages that you need to improve the bounce rate is the first step. Determine why the bounce rate is too high, and then create a goal and plan to reduce it. A visitor’s first impression along with your site’s ability to pull them in and keep them engaged is the key to reducing the bounce rate. We’ve identified a handful of the common website mistakes that result in higher bounce rate.

The Viral Referral Effect and Improving Traffic and Conversions on Websites

In the recent past, the “Tell-a-friend” referral process on your website was considered the obvious basic “viral catalyst”. New acquisition, development, and conversion tools are making traffic multiplicity a viral reality.

How to Choose Full Screen WordPress Themes for Photography and Portfolio Websites

Get acquainted with Full Screen Themes – Full screen WordPress themes are simply themes that occupy full screen width and height with images or video backgrounds. Themes created for WordPress or any website, are usually fixed – width designs.

Website Maintenance Made So Much Easier by Content Management Systems

Content Management Systems have become more and more popular as time moves on. Completing the design of a website usually brings a great sense of achievement as you are happy with the look and feel of the site.

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