Abraham and Melchizedek Q+R

Why did Abraham own a slave? Tim and Jon respond to your questions from the The Royal Priest series in a Q+R video. Thanks for watching!

Website Usability – How to Keep Your Users

I bet it was not once that you opened a certain webpage and were not quite sure what has happened and what you need to do, click, or find to reach that piece of information you expected to find on the webpage. Chances are that the problem was not your poor website navigation skills, but poor usability of the website, and trust me on this, you don’t want your website visitors find themselves in that wondering state of being. You’ve done all you could to optimize search engine visibility of your website, you invested in website development, and now lose visitors simply because your website is not as comfy as those of your competitors? Well, this does not sound like a good situation to find yourself in, but here are several basic advices that should help you avoid, or fix, this situation.

Tips on How to Be a Great Website Developer

Being great in your chosen field of endeavour is usually going to take a lot of hard work and practise. Most “overnight” successes will tell you that they had been working at making themselves successful for years prior to their breakthrough. The most common element in those that are really successful is that they were doing something that they absolutely loved doing.

Top 10 Features Of Joomla

Joomla is the most popular content management system on the web. A lot of websites are built on Joomla & more are being built every day. There are some great features of Joomla which made this popular among web developers. I am going to describe top 10 features briefly.

How to Make Websites for Free

If you want to make a ‘just for fun’ website or maybe a non-commercial blog, a no-cost online website is possible. There are many free website building sites on the web which offer easy to use drag and drop site builders, and I have to admit that the results can look highly professional and attractive. A big drawback to using these free site builders is that your website won’t have its own unique name.

E-Testing Software – The Technology and the Development

E-testing has sped up the process of assessment of knowledge and you could refer to it as a choice method of assessment. The software package is suitable for conducting test in any branch of knowledge. Thus, the versatility justifies the interest aroused in users, interest groups and IT professionals on issues concerning the technology.

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