Better Together, Part 2 | Online Church Service

In a world full of hate, it can be hard to find love. But when we go to God to work through the hate, bitterness, or distance in our own relationships, we can be the love that we’re looking for. For us to have relationships that are better together, we need God can help us let go of what’s holding us back and move forward towards the purpose he has for us.

Join us this Sunday at 11am PDT for the Bay Area Christian Church live stream service.


As we enter into a post-pandemic world, we are excited to start having in-person services. You can join us in person at one of our many locations at Or if you don’t live near us, join us for church online every Sunday at or on our YouTube channel. Either way we hope to inspire many to grow in their personal spiritual life.


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Mobile Web Apps Versus Native Apps – Which Is Better?

Browser based mobile apps versus native apps. It’s a serious debate about as old as three years. And pretty much since the beginning of that debate, there has been a general underlying current among the Internet community that browser based is good and native is bad. But Native is dominating despite the serious disadvantages, and browser based applications need to do a catch up.

Building Websites and Promoting Them to Attract More Traffic

The best designs are supposed to be implemented when building websites in order to optimize indexing by search engines. A variety of techniques and tools are also used by webmasters to make sure their websites rank higher in search engines results pages, all which translate to more traffic.

A Simple Guide in Understanding the Process of Building Websites

A website is a written document often comprising of several pages written in standard coding languages such as HTML and CSS. Other than text, it may also contain videos, images and other digital material. Website building is the systematic development cycle that starts with planning to accommodate needs, proceeds to design for a roadmap, develops, tests, implements processes and ends with ongoing maintenance of an operational website. It involves strategic placement of all your text and images. A website is stored in servers accessible over the internet where people can access it locally or internationally.

Custom Website Development

When you finally decide it’s time that you have a website to represent yourself, your company, your idea or products, what do you do next? Do you get your second cousin’s nephew who is said to be a genius with computers, do you do it yourself, do you do it through a web hosting company who says anyone can get their website up and running using their templates in a matter of minutes? Well let’s try this scenario, if you were experiencing chest pains would you seek the advice of your second cousin’s nephew, try to remedy it yourself, seek…

Choosing Professionals for Ecommerce Website Design and Development

Today, technology is developing at an increasing pace and we are depending a lot upon its use. A very fine example is the ecommerce website with options for real-time shopping. Talk about purchasing accessories or booking travel tickets, most of us lay emphasis on using the Internet. Owing to this changing lifestyle, business enterprises now-a-days consider having ecommerce existence to sell their products and services. A number of ecommerce websites have come up in the market and it has become really tough to beat the competition.

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