Better Together, Part 3 | Online Church Service

What’s love got to do with it? This is the question God calls all of us to ask ourselves. When we run after other things or people to give us value, we will always feel like something is missing. It’s love – both God’s love for us and our love for others – that allows us to see our true purpose in life, and gives us the value we are searching for.

Join us this Sunday at 11am PDT for the Bay Area Christian Church live stream service.


As we enter into a post-pandemic world, we are excited to start having in-person services. You can join us in person at one of our many locations at Or if you don’t live near us, join us for church online every Sunday at or on our YouTube channel. Either way we hope to inspire many to grow in their personal spiritual life.


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Things To Consider When Developing Your Website and Online Business

There are so many ways to develop a website these days you can use templates, do it your self from scratch, have someone build it for you, or piece together different features you need. What way is the best way? What is most important in developing your website? These are the questions we will answer in this article.

How Conversion Services Are Playing a Vital Role in Websites Development?

This is a fact that internet has a huge user associability, which provides businessmen large online customers and viewers. This is the key factor behind the increasing demand of websites in market. Conversions solutions are the basic need to develop websites with strong potentials and alluring appearances to its users.

Accurate Website Composition – Bringing Conversion to Your Online Approach

It is essential that you recognize some elementary structures for a superlative website. This may be a little technical for a layman but it not at all complicated. The role of the content is always on top and it becomes beautiful and vibrant.

Windows Phone – Future of Mobile Operating Systems

Rapid advancements in electronics and telecommunications technology brought about a revolution in the way people communicate. The computer, which used to be bulky and immobile, is now ubiquitously incorporated into a smartphone via mobile operating systems like the Windows Phone.

Using Web Development and Programming Forums

When having problems with programming, web development or simply understanding technical terms, the best place to turn is forums that are found online rather easily. These forums offer advice that is free and has worked for many other people in the past and is a great way to meet others that enjoy the same thing.

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