DFW Church Virtual Service: 10/10/21

Welcome to the DFW Church Virtual Service. This week’s sermon is entitled “The Wisdom of Friendship” preached by Chris Garrett, who serves as the Campus Minister for the South Worship Center.

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How to Create Your Own Sales Website in a Month for Less Than $10

Creating your own income earning website is much easier than you think AND you can do it for less than $10, when you know how. A professional looking website with powerful interactive features that generate sales can be created very easily. You don’t need any programming skills, and all the software required to get your site up and earning you money within a month is available completely free, when you know where to look…..

The Benefits Of PHP Scripts

Surfing through different websites clearly reveals the important roles PHP scripts play in building highly rated and interactive websites. They are the webmaster’s secret of making dynamic pages that keep visitors glued to any domain. PHP scripts are also responsible for making a webpage load faster, remain stable and secured.

10 Valuable Aspects of a Successful Homepage

The homepage of your website is often the landing page and is critical to the success of your online business. When people land on this page, you have just a few seconds to capture their interest.

5 Ecommerce Capabilities Your Website Builder Needs to Have

If you are planning on using a website builder to create an e-commerce site then there are certain capabilities that you only have. There are more than a handful of website builders that simply are designed to integrate the types of features that are necessary for a fully functioning e-commerce website. While it may be possible to workaround these deficiencies, it is normally much easier simply to choose a website builder that can do everything the you needed to do. Here’s a quick look at 5 features and capabilities that your website builder needs to have if you plan on creating this type of website

4 Reasons Using a Website Builder Is Better Than Hiring a Website Designer

In the past, the primary way that most people and businesses got a website was to hire a professional website designer. Today there are a number of tools, such as website builders, that can effectively replace the need for a traditional designer. The most common hesitation to use these tools is that you result will not look as professional as a website designed by a professional developer. Fortunately, many online website building tools have become exceptionally advanced, while still being easy to use. This means that with very little effort you can create a website that looks extremely professional and attractive to your visitors. Here’s a quick look at four reasons a website builder can be better than hiring an independent website designer.

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