Discovering Your Purpose | Story of the Week

God uses relationships to help us discover our purpose. Watch the story of Tonia and Dayo as they changed their lives through a relationship with God.

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Skills for Website Design And Development

For any modern business website is very important one. It should be well structured, professional looking and user friendly for showcasing your business and the services which are offered by your business.

How Web Development Helps to Improve Your Business

Taking web development for granted could lead to a sorry end for your online business. Yes, it might sound scary, but it is true.

Create A Majestic Joomla Photo Gallery With Mac Effect for Your Website

Photo Gallery plugin is an image galley plugin to show categories of images in your Joomla website. The Joomla image gallery extension is a blend of smooth gallery and mac dock effect giving a stylish photo gallery in your website.

AJAX File Upload

Upload file using AJAX technology is not possible. But using iframe object it is possible to create an interface over a HTML form such that it produces an effect AJAX upload.

Get Highly Functional Applications for iPhone by Hiring iPhone Developers

iPhone application development has changed or rather revolutionized all means of conducting businesses. It is the sheer result of iPhone app development that you will find applications more logistically moving ahead of times, gaining importance and increasing ROI.

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