Get In the Spirit: How To Love God With All Your Soul | Simple Christianity, Part 3

Our soul is the deepest part of who we are. It’s the most vulnerable part of us – it wants to attach, wants to love, wants to believe, wants purpose. Our soul is the part of us that searches and yearns for something more than just the physical and day-to-day life. Loving God with all our soul starts with understanding that only God can satisfy the soul, and we will feel empty when we look to other things or people to fulfill that longing.

Further study

Read 10 Ways to Know Your Soul Is Tired to learn how to get your soul needs met by God.

Read Luke 7:36-47 for yourself and write down ways you can learn to be more like the woman in the scripture.

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Website Building for You and Me

Anybody who has a business or something that they need to get published is going to want a website. Websites are nearly essential in today’s marketplace – since so many people spend a lot of time and money surfing the Internet, a website is essential for someone wanting to get the word out about their products!

RIA: The Technologies

Rich Internet Applications are ruling the internet. Adobe Flex, JavaFX, Microsoft Silverlight, OpenLaszlo and Ajax are some of the common platforms used for RIA development.

How to Make a Website in Three Basic Steps to Promote Your Business

Building a website is not a difficult task. You could do it in three easy steps. You could use the resources available on the internet for the purpose of building in your website. You only need the determination and a real need to do it.

Are Online Survey Tools Effective?

Online survey tools are the perfect means for requesting, receiving and assessing information on the image and the impact of any personal or professional project. Build your way to success with easy-to-get and accurate data from your audience.

Start Your Online Business Today – Faster and Easier

Creating a website has become faster and easier with the aide of website building software but is it right for you and how do you choose the right one? Every day, more and more businesses realize the numerous benefits of going online. So much so that some businesses have stopped operating offline altogether and completely converted their business to an online store. Of course, before you can start an online business, you must first have a website for your customers to purchase from. In the beginning, designing a website was a very long and tedious task that was best left up to professionals. Computer codes had to be entered in correctly, which required a great deal of time and patience. So, professional website builders were often employed to do the work.

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