Near Death Experience I Rabbi Dies and Encounters God’s Glory Ep. 10

Rabbi Felix Halpern died when his body became toxic after a medical misdiagnosis and the related wrong prescription. As Felix left his body, he entered a tunnel of light, encountered an angel, and soon finds himself in Heaven’s throne room. You’re going to be amazed at the destiny-shifting revelations he received on the other side of the veil.

Get Felix’s new book A Rabbi’s Journey to Heaven:
► A Rabbi’s Journey to Heaven by Felix Halpern [Book & CDs]:
► A Rabbi’s Journey to Heaven by Felix Halpern [Digital Download]:
Connect with Rabbi Felix Halpern:
Randy Kay’s new book Revelations from Heaven: A True Account of Death, the Afterlife, and 31 Supernatural Discoveries is available now. Get your copy here! :
► Contact Randy Kay/Randy Kay Ministries:

Transparent PNG Files in IE5 and IE6 Using Drupal

This guide is a working demonstration on how to make PNG images with transparency compatible with Internet Explorer version 5.5 and Internet Explorer 6 which does not properly display transparent images. This method is for Drupal 5.x and Drupal 6.x and uses the PNGFix module.

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Creating Set and Forget Websites

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So You Want a Website? Are You Ready For the Commitment?

A client of mine recently wrote to me in distress about her website, which had gone live in April of this year. When I looked for “” on Google, it didn’t show up until page four!

Creating a Distinguished Web Site For Affiliate Marketing

There are ways to impress your visitors and there are also ways to drive them off. And in the affiliate marketing industry, you are in dire need to attract more customers rather than driving them away and swearing never to return to that site again. That is why, before anything else and before knowing how to create a distinguished web site, you have to know that there are three things internet users hate while surfing the net.

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