The Key to My Heart: Understanding and Managing our Emotions | Simple Christianity, Part 4

Why do emotions matter? The way we handle our emotions will affect every part of our lives—including our faith, our relationships, and our capacity to love others. We need to understand what shapes our emotions if we want to have relationships with God and others that are emotionally healthy and close.

1) Which emotions do you tend to feel most each day? What are some things that shape your emotions?
2) How do you feel like you have been handling your emotions?
3) What do you need God’s help with most (prayer, God’s Word, relationships) to help you grow in the way you handle your emotions?

Read Psalm 20-30 to increase your emotional awareness and expression.

Read the study 6 Scriptures on Emotions That Will Help You Enjoy God to learn how your emotions can enrich your relationship with God.

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Never Too Late To Start A Website

Starting a website may seem like it is too old to be cool anymore, but even though it has been all the rage since the Internet took off around 1997, it is still an important part of one’s success. In fact, with everything that has changed about the Internet since that time, the one constant has been that websites, when done properly, lead to success. Every time.

11 Things You Shouldn’t Forget When Switching Websites

Looking for a checklist of things you should do when switching websites? It’s your lucky day, you have found it.

Linux Hosting – Should You Choose Linux?

When you look at the web hosting industry today, you will be able to see that there is a lot of competition out there. There is the competition between providers, software choices and there is also the competition for the type of operating system. One of the leading competitors for web hosting operating system out there is the Linux Hosting. It has been a successful system due to its popularity for reliability, scalability, performance, resilience and support.

Set Up A High Quality Website In 2 Hours Or Less

How to set up a great looking and highly functional website in record time. Find out why WordPress is the best even if your website is not a blog.

Best Way To Make Money With Your Ecommerce Website

Of course, competition is inversely proportional to thriving in market. But it is also true that smartness is directly proportional to faster growth. Just hard efforts aren’t going to pay you anymore.

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