Time with the Jesus, the Lion of Judah – LITERALLY

The Bible is life-changing, powerful – do you read it?

Testing Landing Page Variables

Landing pages should be optimized and tweaked properly to match the needs of its target audience. Testing different variables within your landing page can either increase your conversion rate or decrease it.

Start Building Your Business Webpage Right

Building a webpage for your business without really knowing what you are doing can have disastrous consequences. The simple reality is that there are many different ways to “build a website,” but the technology you chose and the way you organize your content can make all the difference as to whether your site generates traffic and leads, or sits vacant.

Better Internet Experience With Web 2.0

In the late 20th century, there has been a significant change in the world of World Wide Web and the technology it uses. The web designs have been exclusively changes to something way better; it now is helpful in assisting the web user to share information through creative ways.

WordPress Permalinks

A “permalink” is how the URL (website address) of a WordPress post appears. It is very important that you set your desired Permalink structure first thing after building your new website for a few reasons.

Building and Promoting Sites – Getting the Priorities Right

Many webmasters face a overload of tasks and milestones when building a new site, this challenge becomes even more difficult when the idea of promoting the site is introduced, causing many skilled and talented web masters confusion and leading into counterproductive work and wasted energy. This articles is about setting the priorities right, when to stop building and start promoting and when to divide the energy between promotion and construction.

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