40 Days of Prayer Promo with Kit Cummings

The DFW Church will be reading the Forty Days of Prayer by Kit Cummings starting on January 1st, 2022. For six weeks we will have video lessons from Kit himself. Here is a promo of what we will be doing.

How to Choose a Good Domain Name – Four Mistakes to Avoid

Have you considered that the success of your website could be directly related to the domain name you choose to operate from? Since registering your website’s domain name is one of the first steps in setting up your website with a web design service, you should spend the proper amount of time considering what your domain name should be. Read on to find out more…

Transitioning From HTML/CSS To WordPress – My Experience

My last site I built was all HTML and styled with CSS. I built it entirely by hand-coding in Dreamweaver which was a joy. Playing with the code… watching the magic happen as code becomes a visual treat. And I wanted a blog to share my ideas and experiences so a framework for that type of information led me to WordPress (WP).

Things You Should Prepare Before Hiring a Web Designer – Four Items to Consider

Before you hire web design services to build the website for your business, there are a few things you should prepare. The very first is to have a clear grasp on what your business name and brand is. Read on to find out more!

How To Create Your Own Website in 5 Simple Steps

There was a time when website design required the knowledge of special computer programming languages. This is however, no longer the case. User friendly software that make web development extremely simple are presently available.

Why Are Websites Important for Small Businesses

Both the advertising and marketing, while necessary, are expensive and often times hard to justify for the small business owner on a limited budget. This is where the website and establishing a strong web presence comes into play.

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